For the record: this 2002 Queen-themed page was originally "inspired", if that's the word, by Graham Norton's and Channel 4's mindless and thankfully short-lived prostitution to the crank 'n' piston product placement mafiosi in the opening instalments of "V.Graham Norton" - witness crass car prize competitions with shiny motors on the studio set itself(draw back the curtains..audience gasps and applauds...yuk !) and Norton dutifully chirruping away about the joys of learning to drive etc ad nauseam et infinitum... Needless to say, we also, at the time, bombarded Norton, Channel 4 & Co with countless emails and links to this moving little piece...

- your chance to suggest a celebrity whose nodding image you think could help advance the EV cause...
- OR
...whose public image itself could use a little green-sheen eco-polish (George W.Bush, Osama bin Laden, BP's £7.5 million-a-year Lord Browne etc....).
Suggestions to: - and we'll replace the nodding celeb-head(s)every month ...or so...
 Transport Fit For a Queen - or two:
Graham Norton - the Queen of Late Night British TV Comedy Chat - AND
Elizabeth II - the Queen of Britain's longest-running soap.
Why? Do you really need to know? If so click here.
Select-A-Celeb - nod-log of celebs so far:
Transport Fit For a Queen...or two:
The creator of the Kaz, Hiroshi Shimizu, told us repeatedly at EVS18 in Berlin that he'd dearly love to see the Queen swap her 10 mpg, million-dollar-but-boring Bentley for a 180 mph / 180 mile-a-charge Kaz - and help transport the flagging Monarchy quite literally into the 21st Century...
As for Mr. Norton - in the first few shows of his new series "V. Graham Norton" the v.outrageous chat-show host did his v.shameless and v.blatant best to please those v. generous car-advertisers / manufacturers supporting his show by waxing endlessly & nauseously lyrical about his new-found joy in at last learning - late in life - to drive oh-soooo 'wonderful' cars.
And then there was the show's initial excess of in-yer-face, oh-sooo 'wonderful' car-prize giveaways...
Far from sublimin-able stuff, Graham.