- Ford would have us believe
that the e-Ka - based on the best-selling, massively popular petrol-powered
Ka - is "not commercially viable".
- Why not let us know if you agree with what Ford's.... "experts
We invite you - in true TV Quiz Show/multiple-choice style to play....

(can you..."a-Ford to miss out?")
...Yes - why not tell us (editor@evuk.co.uk) - and Ford UK (Tel:+44 (0)1277 253308) - which of the following you believe to be most "commercially
viable?" (one selection only please!!):
A: Ford e-Ka
B: Ford TH!NK City
C: Ford at Dagenham
(Fiesta fiasco, overcapacity, 2000+ job losses...)
D: Ford Explorer* (rollover+blowout car-nage, SUV's and soaring fuel prices....)
Please send us your vote/verdict - we'll be sure to pass your views
on to the good folks - the experts - at Ford....
(*Ford have announced (Apr/May
2001) plans to introduce a 42% more fuel-efficient hybrid-electric version
of the Explorer in 2004 - but only as an optional extra. Given that
low-sited batteries/electric motor(lowered centre of gravity...) could also help reduce rolloverability - why the delay please?? Why not....kill 2 birds with 1 stone - or at least just stop 'em taking
++ STOP PRESS Sept '01 : Ford UK - experts in the "commercially viable" - announce record £650 (US$965) million(!!) loss. Ford global net losses for 2001 - $5.45 billion! (See/Search Financial Times for details.) ++ ++Ford "Living in Alice in Wonderland Dreamland" says judge - in yet another billion dollar lawsuit-loss (ignition/stalling)++. Newsflash. Urgent !! (Apr '02) : US Company seeks UK/EU partners for its price-busting, ultra-long-range Lithium batteries(...hello Ford/Th!nkmobility...?)
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