HOTWIRE: LIVE EARTH at Wembley 7/7/07: "SOS Help Us Out" - BLACK EYED PEAS' - Video(left) & Lyrics:

"Do We Give A Damn ?" - last line of Earth Song(right)
People killing, people dying, people lying, people blind
People don't see the sign, chasing money all the time
Get the money, get the dimes, get the cash is the mindstate
Of the human race, people on the paper chase
Da environment is fragile, and we been on the gradual
Declining in a life time or lose the battle
Get burnt by volcanoes, swept by tornadoes
Cause Mother Nature signals, is trying to warn NATO
We got a new terror threat, it's called the weather
More deadlier than nuclear and chemical together
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
Jesus, Mohammed, somebody come and help us out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
I'm looking all around and I'm watching the world, changing
Open up your eyes, you can see things rearranging
Cause people trapped behind the gates, ignorance is in the state of mind
Cause they formulate a plan just to penetrate us
You see they stimulate us, with fear, manipulate us
Each year they dominate dividing us like calculators
And we can't add it up cause calculators do the math for us
And here they come chopping down, chopping down our rainforest
Fucking up the air for us, they don't really care for us
But we can't complain, because the only one to blame is us
The gas is rising up but we keep on filling up
CO2 levels got the whole planet heated up
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
Jesus, or Buddha, somebody come and help us out
Lord come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, help us out
I'm looking all around and I'm watching the world, changing
Open up your eyes, you can see things rearranging
Cause maybe the world is dying
And if they say it's gonna be alright, then people are lying
When the eskimo gets bit by a mosquito
Somebody in Miami will get swept by a tsunami
Rastas in Jamaica will get hit by a quake that
Registers somethin' like 7.8 ("7 point 8")
You see it's situations happening with our planet
Cause, 50 years ago we took it for granted
We should have took advantage, and reversed the damage
Instead of just pumping it and selling it and slanging the gas
And while we purchased the gas
We was watching soap operas while they steady brainwashed the masses
Cause we could make a vehicle that runs off ashes
But they don't own a patent for that
.. and that's exactly what's happening
Corruption and bullshit politics
The planet's gonna die cause of bullshit politics
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
And we can come together to figure and figure it out
London come down and help us out
Send us an angel, help us out
SOS, ya'all
I'm lookin' all around and I'm watching the world, changing
Open up your eyes, you can see things rearranging
And now back to TV-Tumbleweed-as-usual...

..from 2007 2009 and Michael Jackson's Earth Song: Rachel Corrie meets Alice In Wonderland .. meets Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth...

Video backdrop, low sound - but in breathtaking HD quality:

July 3, 2010: the latest attempt by Britain's gutter, sewer, cesspit corporate media (Daily Mail) to character assassinate/crucify an Inconvenient Messenger/Disruptive Truth-Teller ie. Al Gore
"How Saint Al Gore, the Sanctimonious Eco-Crusader, Lost His Halo (and his wife!)"
(Ah yes - we Brits are soooo way ahead of America when it comes to protecting the planet, climate change etc, right?!)
It's also worth remembering of course - whilst on the subject of crucifying messengers - that the This Is It concerts(x50) were set to feature:
- a supersized sinister-satanic bulldozer bursting onto the stage .. stopped in its tracks at the last moment by MJ - arms outstretched
- as well as the following key, highly provocative extract from Martin Luther King Jnr's "I Have A Dream" speech: "in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation."
Odd isn't how the good - especially the black good - so often die so young: King, Malcolm, Bob Marley, Hendrix ...
"This Is It" - too "Dangerous" ..for the Usual Suspects ?
Travis Payne - Jackson's choreographer- confirms what many had already deduced - watch video interview. And here's the essential transcript extract:
"One unsung, behind-the-scenes person who can give some great insight into the movie said that one of the highlights of the tour was to be "Dangerous" ...
"Payne said this tour was going to be different because he(Jackson) wanted to bring attention to the destruction of the planet.."
"This Is It" was very different in that, you know, yes, it was his return to the stage, but I think that there was a much greater purpose for him to do the show than just to return to the stage: he oftentimes spoke of the condition of the planet and how as humanity we have lost sight of so many things that are important to survive and I think that "This Is It" was a vehicle to continue to convey those messages..." (extract end)
One thing's for sure: the corporate media's relentless attempts over many years to merely character assassinate Jackson a la Al Gore had clearly failed to kill the singer's/messenger's popularity - and at age 50 the iconic MJ was far more politically dangerous than ever before ...
Hmm Michael Jackson - and the Final Hit ?
Now why on Earth would anyone want to nail, crucify or (character-) assassinate this inspirational black & white musical icon ? (Watch extended live Munich concert video)